
PracForms helps your medical practice run more smoothly

+ Automate your data entry forms (client onboarding, psychometrics, etc)

+ Create custom reports (using the data from ALL your systems)

+ Send reminders to your employees at the perfect time

+ Easily Connect all your software systems together



As a health professional you want to run your medical practice more smoothly.

- Typing the exact same data multiple times is inefficent.
- Client onboarding should not have too many manual steps.
- Psychometric surveys can be automatically evaluated more easily.
- Linking client documents in Practice Managment Software should be simple.
- Business reports can be automatically sent to the right person at the right time.
- Government compliance reports should be available whenever required.
- The vision of a streamlined paperless office is possible today!


The PracForms Solution!

Your Own App

Let your clients enter and update their own data easily with your own custom app

Automatic Forms

Automate your Form Processing, save time and resources, increase accuracy

Clear Insights

Custom reports with data from ALL your IT systems, creating actionable business insights

We Care

You and your colleagues will love that your business runs more easily with PracForms!

Get In Touch

Contact us for a free demonstration. Everything is easier with PracForms!